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Monday, January 1, 2024

My Top Reads of 2023


"How do you decide to what to read next?" This is a common question I get asked by my students, colleagues, even friends and family members want to know.  One of my responsiblities as a school librarian is to be on-top of publishing trends, award nominees, and participate in global professional learning networks centered around literacy for young people. 

Below, you will find my top reads of the year for young adults and middle grade readers. These are all books that I personally read as print books, e-books or audio books.  Some were from my public and school library, some I purchased from used bookstores, garage sales and independent bookstores.  In my work I get to pre-read books prior to publishing so some of these titles were read as Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) through NetGalley. I'm also in a book review group with fellow educators and school librarians from across the U.S., #BookExcursion. We receive books from publishers and authors with the intention of getting the word out about upcoming titles. Finally, in addition to these professional groups that I am a part of, I am personally a reader in over 4 book clubs. 

I hope that this list below helps people who are looking for powerful books to read themselves, read with children, for a book club, read aloud for a class lesson, use with small groups, order for their children, for school libraries or even to gift to others. 

Check out my list from 2022 HERE for more book ideas to use with children and young adults. 

Young Adult 

Middle Grade Chapter Books

Middle Grade Chapter Books

Middle Grade Chapter Books

Middle Grade Chapter Books

Middle Grade Chapter Books

Middle Grade Chapter Books

Middle Grade Chapter Books

Graphic Novels

See any books that you enjoyed? Let me know in the comments. What should I read for 2024?

One positive effect of a comprehensive booklist like this is that I am able to see what types of books are missing from my reading life. In the year ahead, I plan to read more nonfiction books, as well as graphic novels. There are some excellent reading challenges for 2024:

Feel free to pick one to help you stay motivated to read and share what you like with others. The best way to find out what to read next is by word of mouth!

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Recommended Reads from 2024

How do you choose what to read?   As a teacher and librarian, I get asked that question quite a bit.  The quick answer is: I read what inter...