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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Friendbots: engaging young readers with STEM

Friendbots: Blink and Block Make a Wish by Vicky Fang is a lovely graphic novel or comic for children who are learning to read on their own.  At first the two robots are strangers and engage in conversation about what they are doing.  From there the story takes funny twists with an inspiring ending.  I especially like how the robots model how to talk with one another and make friends.  The bonus comes at the end of the book where readers can learn a STEM term, for example, a sensor.  That is an important part of the story so later on they can compare sensors that they encounter with the ones that Blink and Block use.  

Fang's author website has more activities and videos that go with her robot books.  So many of my students, including my daughter, enjoy learning about and creating their own robots!  I'm looking forward to sharing these with them.

A big thank you to the publisher, HarperCollins, for sharing this book with our Book Excursion group of educators who review books.  


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