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Sunday, February 12, 2023

Snoozefest: The Surprising Science of Sleep


Snoozefest: The Surprising Science of Sleep by Tanya Lloyd Kyi and ValĂ©ry Goulet is a nonfiction, middle grade book that explores the topic of sleep through multiple lenses.  Readers will be intrigued by how sleep science has changed over time.  The topics are posed as questions, like, can a human survive on little to no sleep?  

Every chapter's readability is what stands out the most for me.  Getting middle grade readers to read nonfiction can be a struggle, but I don't see that happening with this book. With extra information in the sidebars and beautiful illustrations, this book reads like a dream! Pun intended.

Another part that I think will be of importance to young readers is the section dedicated towards age and sleep.  Teenagers' sleep patterns and needs are different in that stage of their life so the impacts upon having school start times be moved to a later time, for example, are discussed.  The authors also discuss the physiological reasons behind these needs leading to readers better understanding their bodily development. 

Athletes' need for sleep and rest is also addressed.  Many readers may be surprised to learn about the world-famous athletes who dedicate so much of their training towards rest.  Coaches, health teachers and physical education instructors can use this part of the book to supplement their lessons they use with students and athletes.  

Animal lovers will be happy to see their favorite creatures featured.  How do different animals' sleeping habits and needs differ?  What are the reasons behind those differences?  Readers will be able to learn a great deal from the information in these sections. 

I have a lot of students who are interested in the science behind dreams.  This book looks at the origins of dream science and describes it in an understandable way.  What do our dreams mean?

Overall, I would recommend this book to any middle grade reader, teen and adult for that matter.  The topics Snoozefest are well-suited for book clubs, discussions and inquiry projects. Do you have other titles that address the science behind sleep? If so, please share them in the comments and a big thank you to publisher, Kids Can Press, for sharing a copy with my book review group, #BookExcursion.  

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